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Writer's pictureGracen Kahn

I LOVE getting triggered, and you should too

As someone who has survived a tumultuous upbringing, I know firsthand how it feels to be CONSTANTLY triggered. While in the moment it happens, it feels so intense and uncomfortable I know there is healing that needs to occur.

From healing our triggers, we are able to shift faster into our best lives. If we are holding onto baggage and have a massive death grip of the past, how are we supposed to possibly move forward in life? You energetically cannot. You will be limited.

I invitee you to consciously make a different choice next time you are triggered. Say for example you are moving about your day running errands and you end up in the grocery store feeling so excited to cook your favorite meal for dinner. As you are walking down the aisles, people are just giving you this death stare of hatred, jealousy, envy, etc. As you notice this external reality, your typical response would be "well fuck you too then." Right?

You have choices. A choice you can choose would be to ignore their faces and energetic projections and telepathically say, "I speak that back to you. How you feel about me, is none of my business. That's a you problem." And smile and FEEL grateful that you have access to that wisdom and know that you are amazing no matter what others project, because it literally is a them problem.

Another way we can get triggered is visiting a location and feeling whack energy. Many of us have died in violent ways on this planet in past lives and fractals of our energy can be lingering around these geographical locations. Sometimes when traveling, your energy gets triggered and you have no idea why you feel so uncomfortable and anxious.

My mom and I drove to this town called Scipio in Utah to check out their hot springs. We ended up getting really weird vibes from the town, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. My mom however, her energy was SO anxious and she felt like she had to get up out of there immediately. I tuned into her energy while she was driving and had to clear old past life energy from where she was abducted a child in that town and dragged through their wheat field where she was murdered by a serial killer. Even though she consciously didn't know what was going on, I was sensitive enough to feel her emotional energies and tap in to see what was going on.

As I cleared the energy, she felt alot better but didn't want to go back to that town which is totally understandable. Also, there were alot of polygamists there and if you haven't educated yourself about that sect, you are in for a disturbing awakening.

Recently, I have been educating myself about the polygamists and their belief systems. It is mainly about money, greed, sex, and power. Typical Draco Reptilian energy.

I began watching this show called "Escaping Polygamy" and I felt SO emotional watching the first episode. I understand what it's like to have a dark childhood and no childhood at all and I felt like what they endured was worse.

They showed the polygamist church that polygamists go to here in Utah and I was so curious I had to drive and check out the vibes for myself. I found a close location near my home and decided to go investigate with my mom.

The drive there was telling of it all. Their church was located down this giant mountain side where you couldn't see it unless you drove to it. The road you drove to get to it was headed downhill with just one lane, super creepy. We got about .8 miles from the church on the creepy one lane road and all of a sudden I picked up on EMF technology.

I looked through my third eye and saw this massive, board looking technology with EMF waves coming off it. For those of you unaware of this, EMFs genetically mutate our DNA and cause cancers. My mom and I felt the frequencies stinging our faces and so I said out loud the second I felt them, "Mom its time to get out of here."

I hauled ass back up the road and headed back home to clear my energy. The only reason we were so triggered by those frequencies is because we had that energetic damage in our energy field. I ended up performing energy healing on myself and my mom to make sure we were in top shape.

Now, even though there is no more EMF wounding in my energy, that doesn't mean I want to go back there and check it out because I channeled staying in that energy too long can and will harm me. When I tapped in to my higher self, it takes an hour to cause damage to souls who do not have that wounding and 5 minutes to souls that do.

In my healing sessions, I help clients clear that old wounding from their soul to help them live in a healthier state of being.

Triggers are your greatest friends, believe me. Allow them to show you what no longer serves and start carving your own path forward. I'm here for assistance if you so desire it.

Namaste y'all

Gracen Kahn

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